
Join Our Festive Diaper-Making Event at Songpa Goeunbit Women's Clinic.

sunny199 2023. 12. 11. 15:06

Celebrate the Joy of Christmas

Join Our Festive Diaper-Making Event at Songpa Goeunbit Women's Clinic.


This giving event is open to expectant mothers at 16 weeks or more (Moms from other clinics are welcome/limited to the first 20 participants on a first-come, first-served basis). Registration is accepted until December 15th. 




Once you are confirmed by the message from us, You may come to the Clinic at your convenience to the Admin's office located at B1 anytime during opening hours, 9:00- 18:00; you will get the materials and some baby gifts for free and make it at home and share it with an easy-to-follow guide that we provided. 







To Apply, via Songpa Goeunbit Women's Clinic Kakao Channel ID: goeunbit Please leave your name and contact number and week of pregnancy.   Thank you!!



For any inquiries Dial 010 9608 3985 Please keep in mind that on 13/14/15 Dec, English assistance will not be available for the registration process. If you need a translator for meeting with the doctors, please schedule your visit for the following week.


** Registration hours during a week 
** 9: 00 - 12:00 (Morning)
 ** 14:00 - 17:00 (Afternoon)

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