When can we find out the gender of the baby ? by Dr Oh So-Young
When can we find out the gender of the baby ? by Dr Oh So-Young
By the 9th week of pregnancy, hormones from the growing baby start shaping its reproductive organs. Around the 13th to 14th week, ultrasound can give a rough idea of the baby's gender, but it might not be very accurate.
A relatively accurate view of the fetus's gender can be obtained from around the 16th week of pregnancy.
Is it possible for the fetal gender to be misjudged?
Yes, especially when the fetal position or ultrasound angle is not accurate, confirming the gender too quickly can lead to mistakes. The later the gender is confirmed, the higher the accuracy, and particularly before
the 16th week, the accuracy can be lower.
What changes occur in the mother's body when the gender is confirmed?
Linea Nigra may appear,
Areola may darken and enlarge,
Swelling in the hands & feet,
Back pain may arise.
This time is when the uterus begins to grow larger, making it uncomfortable
to lie in any position,
so using a body pillow
or sleeping on the left side
can be helpful.
Dr. OH So-young, an Ob-Gyn expert
at Songpa Goeunbit Women’s Clinic,
specializes in the following fields,
ensures the provision of high-quality care
to her patients.
Antenatal/Postnatal Care/Maternal-Fetal Medicine,
Antenatal Testing/ Fetal Abnormalities,
Contraception Counseling/ Single Women's Clinic,
General Gynecological Conditions.
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