What are the early signs of Contraction ? Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor Contractions, guided by Dr Yoo Jin Hee
What are the early signs of Contraction ?
Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor Contractions,
guided by Dr Yoo Jin Hee
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Irregular and inconsistent.
Even if contractions occur every 10 minutes, it does not persist for more than 2-3 hours.
True Labor Contractions
Regular and consistent. It occurs within 10 minutes or less, and it continues
* Early Labor Signs *
Feeling like the baby is dropping,
Seeing a bloody show or water breaks
Regular tightening of the abdomen.
Pain that moves from the back to the lower abdomen.
Other signs include ,
difficulty breathing as the baby moves down, frequent urination due to pressure, and swelling from increased blood volume,
‘Expectant mothers often find it hard to distinguish between these types of contractions. If you’re unsure, it’s best to visit the hospital for a check-up’
Dr Yoo Jin- Hee, an Ob-Gyn expert
at Songpa Goeunbit Women’s Clinic,
Graduate School of Medicine,
Pusan National University,
Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident at Asan Hospital
Obstetrics and Gynecology Expert at Asan Hospital
Member , Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Member , Korean Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Member , Korean Society of Obstetric and Gynecologic Ultrasound
Member , Korean Society of Perinatology
For the further consultation
Email us at goeunbit2021@gmail.com,
or call at 010 9608 3985
Songpa Goeunbit Women's Clinic