분류 전체보기 42

Creating a Gentle and Serene Environment: The LeBoyer Approach for Newborn Well-being at Songpa Goeunbit Women's Clinic.

The first impression of family members with a newborn baby and a teary-eyed father is always incredibly touching. We, Songpa Goeunbit Women's Clinic, prioritize the well-being of the baby by employing a delivery method called "LeBoyer ", 르봐이예 which aims to minimize stress during childbirth. ♡♡Visual ♡♡ Create a gentle ambience! Newborns have extremely sensitive senses, so it is crucial that we p..

병원소식 2023.10.30

Blooming Connections: Celebrating Motherhood Through Floral Artistry and Prenatal Education

Flowering Session at Songpa Goeunbit Maternal Education Center. Bright and beautiful flowers visit our Maternal Education Center every month!^^ Join Park Soo-kyung's flower prenatal education lecture and witness the transformation of numerous flowers into mini flower baskets, The Flower Prenatal Education offered at our centre is highly sought after by many mothers. It provides excellent prenata..

산모교육센터 2023.10.30